
Week­ly ther­a­py isn’t always the right answer.

Maybe you’ve tried it and find that every time you’re start­ing to make some progress, your 50-minute ses­sion is up, and the next ses­sion feels like start­ing all over. Maybe progress is slow­er than you’d like it to be. Maybe you need change or results more quick­ly due to cri­sis or a time crunch. Per­haps you’ve nev­er even tried week­ly ther­a­py because your busy sched­ule does­n’t afford you the flex­i­bil­i­ty in your schedule. 

Inten­sives are con­cen­trat­ed ther­a­py ses­sions designed to deliv­er accel­er­at­ed results.

Rather than stop­ping and start­ing in 50-minute blocks every week, inten­sives allow you to set aside a larg­er chunk of time to do the unin­ter­rupt­ed work nec­es­sary to achieve real, long-last­ing change. Our work togeth­er will be focused, in-depth, and per­son­al­ized to you & your goals.

How inten­sives work:

Inten­sives are cus­tomized as need­ed for each indi­vid­ual or cou­ple. The for­mat starts here as a frame­work to begin our cus­tom con­ver­sa­tion to meet your needs:

  • Con­sult: We’ll start with a 20-minute con­sul­ta­tion call to ensure this mod­el is the right fit for you, and that I am the right ther­a­pist to sup­port you. Dur­ing this time, we’ll also deter­mine the length and num­ber of inten­sive hours or ses­sions you are like­ly to need. This can always be adjust­ed lat­er, if needed.
  • Intake Ses­sion: We’ll meet for a 50-minute intake ses­sion to review addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion and cre­ate a detailed plan, includ­ing goals and out­come mea­sures to ensure we can accu­rate­ly track your progress. There may be pre-inten­sive home­work assigned as part of this plan building.
  • Inten­sive Session/s: We’ll meet for the select­ed num­ber of hours and/or ses­sions. My sug­gest­ed time­frame to con­sid­er is 3 hours, although we can build from there depend­ing on agree­ment and goals. Meet­ings may occur in my pri­vate prac­tice office, or at a loca­tion of your choos­ing and depend­ing upon pri­or agree­ment. A dif­fer­ent loca­tion will include trav­el expense.
  • Post-Inten­sive Ses­sion: We will meet for a post-inten­sive 50-minute ses­sion to debrief, mea­sure progress since the inten­sive, and to ensure you feel well-equipped to inte­grate your new insights into your life. This ses­sion is often one to two months after the inten­sive but is open to cus­tomiza­tion for your needs and goals. 

Start­ing rates:

Cou­ples pack­age: Start­ing at $1800

Indi­vid­ual pack­age: Start­ing at $1500

Con­cen­trat­ed results for busy people

Inten­sives are invest­ments in your over­all well-being, and many times often wind up being less expen­sive than tra­di­tion­al ther­a­py. In a sin­gle 3‑hour inten­sive, you may accom­plish what is like­ly to take months of week­ly ther­a­py. When you choose an inten­sive, you’re not just sav­ing mon­ey — you’re sav­ing time, too. This mod­el pri­or­i­tizes focused, con­cen­trat­ed work that’s going to result in change in your day-to-day life.

Please email me to find out more, or text my office at 408–550-5101.


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