Frequently Asked Questions

Am I Able to Use My Health Insurance?

I have cho­sen to remain an out-of-net­work provider, rather than join insur­ance pan­els direct­ly, due to reser­va­tions I hold about how our work togeth­er may be affect­ed by the poli­cies required by most insur­ance com­pa­nies.  Please be aware that insur­ance com­pa­nies gen­er­al­ly require a diag­no­sis of a men­tal dis­or­der in order to reim­burse for psy­chother­a­py, may lim­it the amount and qual­i­ty of your care, and may make the inti­mate details of your life avail­able to third par­ties.  I would rather not have our ther­a­py lim­it­ed and/or defined by these poli­cies. Addi­tion­al­ly, please be aware that I am not a Medicare provider. If you use Medicare, please inform me pri­or to our first session.

You may be able to use your health insur­ance to help pay for ther­a­py if you choose to, how­ev­er.  You will need to check with your plan to find out their cov­er­age for out-of-net­work providers.  You pay my fee direct­ly each ses­sion, and I pro­vide you with a bill that includes the diag­no­sis and treat­ment codes that most health insur­ance com­pa­nies require, which can be sub­mit­ted by you to your insur­ance com­pa­ny for reim­burse­ment. I can­not guar­an­tee reim­burse­ment from your health insur­ance provider.

What Forms of Pay­ment Do You Accept?

I accept pay­ment via credit/debit card, cash, or check. Should you want to use a cred­it or deb­it card, you would input this infor­ma­tion via the secure and encrypt­ed Client Portal.

How Often Should I Come In?

Ulti­mate­ly that answer is up to you.  Most peo­ple find that com­ing to ther­a­py once a week (usu­al­ly at the same time and day) is the best way for us to build a sol­id con­nec­tion and keep momen­tum going regard­ing our explo­ration and goals.  Oth­er arrange­ments are always pos­si­ble, however.

How Can I Esti­mate Ther­a­py Costs?

Ther­a­py fee per ses­sion is deter­mined and agreed upon before we begin, ahead of any sched­uled sessions.

Under Sec­tion 2799B‑6 of the Pub­lic Ser­vice Health Act, health care providers and health care facil­i­ties are required to inform indi­vid­u­als who are not enrolled in a plan or cov­er­age or a Fed­er­al health care pro­gram, or not seek­ing to file a claim with their plan or cov­er­age both oral­ly and in writ­ing of their abil­i­ty, upon request or at the time of sched­ul­ing health care items and ser­vices, to receive a Good Faith Esti­mate of expect­ed charges.

You have the right to receive a Good Faith Esti­mate explain­ing how much your health care will cost. Below find some gen­er­al infor­ma­tion about your rights relat­ed to health care and the Pub­lic Ser­vice Health Act.

Under the law, health care providers need to give indi­vid­u­als who don’t have insur­ance or who are not using insur­ance an esti­mate of the bill for health care items and services.
* You have the right to receive a Good Faith Esti­mate for the total expect­ed costs of any non-emer­gency items or ser­vices. This includes relat­ed costs like med­ical tests, pre­scrip­tion drugs, equip­ment, and hos­pi­tal fees. Please note that none of these items apply in my pri­vate practice.
* Make sure your health care provider gives you a Good Faith Esti­mate in writ­ing at least 1 busi­ness day before your health care ser­vice or item. You an also ask your health care provider, and any oth­er provider you choose, for a Good Faith Esti­mate before you sched­ule an item or service.
* If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Esti­mate, you can dis­pute the bill.
* Make sure to save a copy or pic­ture of your Good Faith Esti­mate. For ques­tions or more infor­ma­tion about your right to a Good Faith Esti­mate
, vis­it

Where Can I Find Infor­ma­tion About Your Office Poli­cies and Practices?

All of my office poli­cies, prac­tices, and forms are avail­able through the secure and encrypt­ed Client Por­tal.  You will receive an email from me once we sched­ule our first ses­sion with log-in infor­ma­tion, in order to access this por­tal.  Exist­ing clients can access the por­tal at any time with their log-in information. 

Please email me to find out more, or text my office at 408–550-5101.


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